$200 Billion Here, $200 Billion There….



Eons ago, Illinois Senator Everett Dirksen commented on a piece of legislation by observing “a billion here, a billion there, pretty soon, you’re talking real money.” Ever the visionary, even Sen. Dirksen probably couldn’t have foreseen the massive leap his quote would require in dollars if it were to stay current.


$200 BIllion is not the nation’s drug bill. It’s the nation’s bill for the improper or unnecessary use of prescription drugs…in one year!So says the IMS Health’s Institute for Healthcare Informatics.


As the good Senator knew, you can do a lot with a lot of money. As we continually debate the nation’s health care system and as we prioritize what we think we can or cannot afford in nutrition, prevention and education, keep in mind that we waste $200 Billion each year on drugs we don’t need. That’s real money.
OMCA works hard to ensure the care you receive is medically necessary and appropriate. Call us. We can do better.

William Faris, JD
Chief Executive Officer

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