Bueller? Bueller?


Bueller? Bueller?  Your MOD is too high!!
Who can forget Ben Stein as Ferris Bueller’s economics teacher?  His monotone lecture about tariffs and then dryly calling roll;  Bueller? Bueller?, to see if Ferris is paying attention, are classic moments.

A great colleague, who many of my friends will remember, is the late Ray Barke.  He was one of the few people I know who could actually explain the inner workings of the workers’ comp experience mod calculation from start to finish.  Just like Ben Stein’s character, Ray would start to pontificate on the pitfalls and opportunities surrounding the beauty of experience mods, and my eyes would start to glaze over. Ray would dryly say my name ”Faris? Faris? Are you listening?  The mod can not  be ignored.”

The NCCI, effective January 1, 2013, will be revising the experience mod calculation to increase the penalties for poor risks while rewarding those employers who successfully improve their losses.  A key component of loss improvement is controlling and minimizing medical costs.

At OMCA, we assist Carriers, TPAs, Employers and Reinsurance companies in ensuring that medical costs and procedures are not only reasonable, and appropriate, but also are related to the injury. This ultimately assists the claimant in promptly reaching MMI and RTW.  Our efforts lower reserves, reduce cash payouts, save on bonds and improve overall loss ratios and, “Oh yes Bueller, we can help you improve your mod.”


Call us, We can do better.

William Faris, JD
Chief Executive Officer

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