“Cookbook Medicine” as a Recipe for Success


“Cookbook Medicine”  as a Recipe for Success

Many states wrestle with the issue of treatment guidelines.  Frequently doctors will object, arguing that guidelines are nothing more than “cookbook medicine”.  Of course, had practicing without a cookbook worked, we wouldn’t find ourselves in the medical/pharmaceutical cost situation we now endure.

Guidelines help introduce evidence-based medicine into the treatment of all patients, but particularly those who are in the work comp system.  Guidelines are developed by various organizations including The Official Disability Guide (ODG) and The American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM).

Texas has adopted ODG for both treatment guidelines and drug formulary. In the category of opioids and not-recommended prescriptions of all types (N) Texas has achieved a 75% reduction in “N” drugs, 26% reduction in overall drug costs and a 10% reduction in opioid prescriptions.

There is a way out of the upward spiral of prescription drug costs.  Using evidence-based criteria, developed by physicians and implemented by nurses, OMCA can help you contain the largest single factor in the medical cost component of workers’ compensation.

Call us.  We can do better.

William V. Faris, JD

Chief Executive Officer

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