Coping With COVID-19


COVID-19 has pretty much impacted us all. Here’s how we’re coping.

We’ve moved into the telemedicine age by identifying providers in our network who can offer care via telemedicine. These are so indicated by referring to our OMCA Network directory as posted on our website.

To access this listing, claimants should sort our providers by selecting “telemedicine” from the drop-down list of specialties. This will list all gatekeepers who are offering telemedicine services, and claimants may select any of these regardless of location. Claimants are not required to use telemedicine providers.

As for our nurse case managers and utilization review staff, they are either working from home or practicing strict social distancing and hand washing while in the office.

Buckle up. We’re in for a long ride. Call us if you need us.

Bill Faris

Posted in News