Do Your Comp Claimants Need the Pit?


At OMCA we tout that the Occ Med physicians in our network practice the “sports medicine model”.  Simply put, athletes need to get back on the field and comp claimants need to get back on the job. Most trainers and selected providers know how to do this.

Courier-Journal reporter, C.L. Brown tells of his first hand experience in U of L’s Pit in a September 25th article. The Pit is where injured U of L athletes work while their teammates practice. Head Football Coach Charlie Strong says, “when he’s (U of L athlete) injured, its no day off”. The Pit is an aggressive workout place to stay mentally and physically fit while rehabbing an injury.

  • Lower body injury –work on the upper body,
  • Hand injury — run the treadmill,
  • Shoulder strain –let’s try a stationary bike.

OMCA’s case management return to work philosophy has alway been to stay active, stay engaged and as allowed by your treating physician, maintain/enhance the uninjured parts of your body while your work injury heals.

The choices are clear.

If you want a long term, seemingly endless recovery, then let your claimants sit on the sofa, get fat and watch daytime TV. If you want a faster/expedited recovery, then (with treating physicians’ concurrence) let’s get your injured employee back in the gym. We may not have a Pit, but we do have a T.A.D. (Temporary Alternative Duty Program).

Call Us. We can do better.

William V. Faris, JD
Chief Executive Officer

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