Don’t Forget to Write!


Nobody says that anymore. Maybe email me, or text me, or Skype me, or… you get the idea. In ancient days (like before 1980) when people weren’t going to see one another for a while, they would remind the other party to write them a letter. Say a kid was headed off to college, Mom would remind him/her to stay in touch by occasionally writing a letter letting the family know how you are, what’s new, are you dating?

So now we have many people separated, not by school but by the Coronavirus. When injured workers feel isolated or quarantined, the lack of communication and personal interaction can complicate or delay recovery.

Various studies have shown that claimants who maintain a connection to their workplace during their recovery are off work for a shorter period of time than those who are not feeling connected.

Although our nurse case managers may be working remotely during this pandemic, continued contact with all of our stakeholders is Job One.

Be smart. Stay in touch with your injured workforce. Help them feel connected to the job, and help them speed their recovery. It’s good for them, and it’s good for you.

Call us. Or write us. We can do better.

William Faris, JD
Chief Executive Officer

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