Exaggerators, Malingerers and Morons




Those of us in the workers’ comp arena constantly battle fraud.  Video surveillance, social media monitoring, and special physician examinations and testing are just a few of the techniques that help catch cheaters.



Sometimes it helps when claimants are clueless.


CBS Los Angeles recently reported about a fetching young woman with a debilitating work-related foot injury.  She couldn’t wear a shoe or boot, couldn’t put any weight on the foot and just couldn’t move her foot in any direction.  Crutches were the only way she could walk, and she was ordered to rest and elevate her foot.


Well, the glamour, fame and allure of participating in the 2014 Miss Toyota Long Beach Grand Prix Beauty Contest seemed to be a miracle cure.  After video surfaced of her strutting on stage and walking the runway–in spiked high heels–she was quickly arrested and busted for fraud.


Yes, sometimes it’s the claimant’s behavior that helps us all do better.


Call us.  We can do better.

William Faris, JD
Chief Executive Officer


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