Good Gatekeeper–“Walking the Point”


A good Gatekeeper is a key component of effective workers’ comp networks.  At OMCA we admire their dedication and appreciate that they are “walking point” as the first line of defense in managing medical costs.  We look for the following qualities when we recruit for our select network:

  1. A true desire to practice Occupational Medicine;A fundamental belief that the “patient comes first”.  However, getting back to work and reducing prescriptions are almost always in the interest of the patients’ well-being,
  2. Setting office protocols that triage the initial urgent comp visit ahead of allergy shots/back to school physicals.  This allows some initial care to be seen out of the costly ER but with the same quality of care.
  3. Timely communication with our RN case managers including a willingness to discuss referral options/alternatives.
  4. Acknowledgment that certain diagnoses/treatments are not always appropriate for their practice (i.e. long term narcotic use/chronic mental health issues)
  5. A willingness to understand the employers operation.  Many of our physicians will visit the workplace and help us get creative as to alternative/modified duty opportunities.
  6. Be a good listener and read “between the lines” when patient history is inconsistent confusing or contradictory.
  7. An aggressive RTW mentality as in a “sport’s medicine model” tailored for the comp industry.

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