Greed, Lies, and Looking the Other Way


“Proponents of science as a foundation for health care have not come together to form a grassroots movement, and until this happens, all of us will have to live with a system built on pseudoscience, greed, myths, lies, fraud and looking the other way…more care is not better care, doctors are not necessarily right and some doctors are not even truthful.”

So says Dr. Otis Brawley in “How We Do Harm”. The system can kill. Time and again we see workers who started with relatively minor injuries from the workplace but who are cruelly treated by “the system”, sustaining life changing injuries brought on by overtreatment.

Don’t let this happen to your employees or claimants. Truly, more care is not necessarily better care and it always costs more. Conscientious utilization review using criteria developed by the best medical evidence will save you money and may save your life.

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