Healthcare’s One Percenters


Healthcare’s One Percenters

     Much is being made in this political season of the 1 percenters – presumably those amongst us who make the most money- and who somehow have become tainted with this dubious vice. Healthcare seems to have its 1 percenters as well.

     The federal Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality reports that in 2009 just 1% of Americans accounted for 22% of all healthcare costs. This amounts to about $90,000 per person. Imagine (or acknowledge) that you have one or two of the 1 percenters among your insured population. How quickly can this ruin your balance sheet?

    OMCA is a group of specialists who effectively manage the 1 percenters. Our URAC accredited utilization management , experienced nurse case managers and broad range of Board Certified Physician Advisors have allowed us to manage over 50,000 cases in the last 20 years. Whether your costs come from hospitals, physicians, pharmacies or any other healthcare facility, we have extensive experience and resources in managing these cases to their optimal outcome.

    Call us. We can do better.



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