Hippocrates Was a Compounder! (…But He Did No Harm)


CompPharma is a consortium of PBM firms that practice in the workers’ compensation arena.  I’m linking to a new study they just published entitled “Compounds in Comp: A New Look at Patient Safety, Efficacy and Cost.”


There is much worth reading in this article including their summary of workers’ comp jurisdictions with limited or no controls on compounding and pricing. You’re probably not surprised that Kentucky, Indiana and West Virginia are three of these locales.


While we have our share of disagreements with PBMs, especially as it relates to UR and extent and duration, we agree with the main conclusion of this report:


“When FDA-approved medications for the condition are available, the widespread use of topical, non-sterile compounding or sterile compounding cannot be justified.”


Call us. We can do better.

William Faris, JD
Chief Executive Officer


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