Hurricane Opioid Stalls in Kentucky


Most southern hurricanes stall-out long before they make it to the Commonwealth. Unfortunately, we have been fighting the opioid storm for longer than I care to remember. However, a new study published by the Workers’ Compensation Research Institute (WCRI) points out how Kentucky injured workers are doing better after the 2012 “Pill Mill” House Bill 1 legislation.
The WCRI reviewed over 21,000 injuries and 91,000 prescriptions, which represented 44% of Kentucky’s workers’ compensation claims. Here is what they discovered comparing pre- and post-HB1 for injured workers with pain:


  • Opioid dispensing down;
  • Non-opioid analgesics up;
  • Largest reductions in younger workers and the non-surgical category.


The Pill Mill Bill is not a panacea, and Eastern Kentucky continues to be a high usage area. Nevertheless, Kentuckians are doing better, and it is a storm we must weather.


Want to learn more? The KWCEA Annual Conference on December 7 and 8, at the Louisville Marriott East is the place to be. Early registration is open!


Call us. We can do better.

William Faris, JD
Chief Executive Officer

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