I Resolve To…



I’ve never been much on New Years’ resolutions. It seems to me that if something is important enough to merit a resolution, we shouldn’t wait until January 1 to implement it.


However, resolutions (or the threat thereof) at least cause us to think about something. Often it’s self-serving, e.g. I’ll quit smoking, lose weight, run a marathon, start an exercise program, etc. But sometimes others might benefit from our resolutions. I’ll give more to charities, serve food at a homeless shelter, etc.


Such is the case in our business. We can think about things that will benefit both our clients and ourselves. We can do better by our injured workers and we can spend less money at the same time. So I want to resolve to be better focused on outcomes.


Nothing says saving money, giving better service, helping workers recover from injuries and improving the lot of our clients, our workers and ourselves more than focusing on outcomes.


So of all the things we do in workers’ compensation, focusing on outcomes can improve everything for everybody.


We can help you with that. Focusing on networks, utilization review and case management improves outcomes.


Save money. Do good. Call us.


We can do better.
William Faris, JD
Chief Executive Officer

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