KASPER The Friendly Ghost



State prescription drug monitoring programs are an important first line of defense in stopping prescription drug abuse and misuse. It’s through these programs that “doctor shopping” and unusual dispensing trends are reported and monitored (think KASPER [Kentucky All Schedule Prescription Electronic Reporting] in Kentucky).


Unfortunately, a recent nationwide survey from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, as reported in ScienceDaily, highlights provider behavior which compromises the effectiveness of these systems.


A study of approximately 500 primary care physicians across the country revealed the following regarding their respective state programs:

  • 22% were totally unaware;
  • 47% had never accessed;
  • 58% report too time-consuming to retrieve.


Just because control systems are available, never assume they are effectively utilized.


The right physicians and pharmacy networks matter.


Call us. We can do better.

William Faris, JD
Chief Executive Officer

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