


Have you ever heard of a “never-event”? It’s the generic name for a medical mistake that should never occur. Hospital risk management programs invest huge effort into ensuring that the “never-event” never occurs.

Yet, according to patient safety researchers at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, surgical never-events occur nearly 80 times each week. In a study published in April in the journal Surgery, it is disclosed that:

  • 39 times a week surgeons leave a foreign object in a patient’s body;
  • 20 times a week surgeons perform the wrong operation on a patient, and;
  • 20 times a week surgeons operate on the wrong body site.

That’s 4044 times a year that a “never-event” occurs. Maybe they need another name for this thing.

Don’t let your patients be admitted to a hospital unless there is a true need. Aggressive, accurate and conscientious utilization review can eliminate many unnecessary hospitalizations and reduce the likelihood of your claimant having a never-something.

OMCA is accredited by URAC for both health management and workers’ compensation utilization management. Our nurses and physician-advisors can help your program reduce the impact of “never-events”.

Call Us. We can do better.

William Faris, JD
Chief Executive Officer

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