Opiates? or Cheech and Chong?


Don’t say we didn’t warn you with this email newsletter dated 7/12/13, “Candy is Dandy, But Liquor is Quicker”


Now an interesting decision by the New Mexico Court of Appeals has upheld, unanimously, a workers’ comp judge’s decision that “marijuana is a medical expense covered by the state’s workers’ compensation system.” Appellate Judge James Wechsler opined that medical marijuana was “reasonable and necessary medical care,” and the fact marijuana is illegal under federal statutes was not controlling. http://bit.ly/1lWwlm2

The record was clear this employee was seriously injured and suffering from extreme pain. Is medical marijuana the answer? The New Mexico Court of Appeals thought so.


This will come to your jurisdiction eventually. Are your Nurse Case Managers and UR Physician Advisors ready? Or will your dollars go “up in smoke?”

Call us. We can do better.

William Faris, JD
Chief Executive Officer

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