“Pill Mill Bill” Makes the Dean’s List



Do they still have a Dean’s List at colleges and universities? I know when I went, and even when my kids were in college, making the Dean’s List for a GPA was the goal. Writing in The Courier-Journal, Mike Wynn reports on a University of Kentucky study about the good grades for the 2012 “Pill Mill Bill.”

With the following results, I think we can award the legislators, regulators and medical reformers, who fought for this legislation, a spot on the Dean’s List:

  • 52% decrease in doctor-shopping by addicts seeking drugs;

  • 24 non-compliant pain clinics closed;

  • Triple the number of prescribers using the KASPER monitoring system;

  • More than 5 million individual KASPER reports requested last year alone.

Governor Steve Beshear’s quote sums it up nicely: “In short, more doctors and patients are acting with caution to help patients with legitimate pain relief. And those who were acting recklessly or out of greed have been largely driven out.”

Call us. We’re on the Dean’s List for pharmaceutical Utilization Review.

William Faris, JD
Chief Executive Officer

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