The 1% Dilemma



Often trends from California forewarn future developments in our neck of the woods. Writing in Business Insurance, Stephanie Goldberg reports on a California Supreme Court ruling that places drug overdose fatality compensation as a responsibility of the comp carrier.

Essentially, the ruling requires a work-related death benefit even if other factors and other behaviors were the proximate cause of the mortality. Don Powelson, a senior law partner at a large firm, is quoted as follows: “What I always tell my clients is that in a death case, if there’s 1% contribution from the job, it’s compensable.”

With the bar set at 1%, it’s clear there will be expensive payouts. When it comes to prescription drug abuse, it’s imperative to minimize the 1% dilemma through:


  • Aggressive UR;
  • Early intervention;
  • Evidence-based pharmacy reviews;
  • Provider networks with best practices.



Call us. We can do better.

William Faris, JD
Chief Executive Officer

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