The Knee Bone’s Connected to the Checkbook



Arthroscopic knee surgery is one of the most common medical procedures today. Over 700,000 of these operations are performed each year in the United States. If you have a meniscal tear, expect your physician to consider this surgery.

Researchers from McMaster University in Ontario, Canada, are saying, “Not so fast — what’s the big rush?”

Writing in HealthDay, Kathleen Doheny summarized a randomized controlled study, published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, of 805 patients with age-related meniscal tears. The conclusion? “No differences were found in pain and functioning… between the surgery patients and those who didn’t have surgery. You need to exhaust all conservative measures before pursuing arthroscopic surgery.”

Arthroscopic knee surgery can be an excellent option that helps many people. However, there are risks and complications, as well as a price tag in some locales as much as $30,000.

If you are the payer, you have the right to expect your Utilization Review team to consider all the medically indicated options.

Call us. We won’t rush to spend your money.

William Faris, JD
Chief Executive Officer

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