The Survey Says – It’s Not My Fault


If you were to ask some treating physicians if they have a major responsibility to participate and help in cost containment, how many would say yes?

All of these are wrong!

According to a study published in Journal of the American Medical Association, the correct answer is 36%. For the almost 3,000 doctors responding to the survey, the real culprits are attorneys, hospitals, Big Pharma, and insurance companies.

Survey Says...

While the survey respondents generally agree with certain quality initiatives that may reduce costs in the long run, there is less enthusiasm for anything that changes their compensation model.

Slowing the health care expenditure curve is complex and difficult, but it can be done. Controlling costs for our payor clients is our core business.

Is your strategic partner effectively managing your medical/health/comp dollars? Or do they figure it’s somebody else’s fault.

Call us. We can do better.

William Faris, JD
Chief Executive Officer

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