What’s In a Name??


Isn’t life easier when the names folks choose quickly let you know what they are up to? Like AARP. What do they do?  Are they Match.com for retired folk, do they organize something, or are they advocates?


One group that we’ve been around for some time used to be called AADEP. That’s the American Academy of Disability and Evaluating Physicians. That always confused me. The Disability and Evaluating thing. Which is it?


Well I’m pleased to report that AADEP has now become IAIME – the International Academy of Independent Medical Evaluators. That makes more sense.


Whichever, I would encourage you to find out more about this organization. Among other things, they serve as a continuing education resource for physicians around the country who do IMEs. Their leadership is deeply involved in virtually every state in the development of treatment guidelines, the fight against the scourge of opioids, and the betterment of the work product produced by its IME physician-members.


We depend upon IAIME doctors frequently. They are evidence-based, and a number of their members are the very people who influence the development of workers’ compensation medical care around the country.


IAIME is the real deal, it’s the right name, and we are proud to be able to rely upon their intellect and experience.
Call us. We can do better.

William Faris, JD
Chief Executive Officer

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