“When In Doubt, Don’t.”



“A penny saved is a penny earned.”

“Time is money.”
Ben Franklin had many similar quotes. In a few words, they conveyed much common sense. In the hospital industry, physicians are being influenced to modify their treatment protocols with the following quotes:

  • Choose and justify;
  • Cost matters.

Jeanne Whalen, writing in The Wall Street Journal, reports on a new hospital research project. Specifically, a Delaware hospital group changed their computer system to encourage doctors to follow American Heart Association guidelines for cardiac monitoring. And the results — a 70% drop in costs without harm to patient care.
Many times physicians deviate from standard protocols citing:

  • Personal preference;
  • Institutional custom;
  • Patient pressure.

Now hospitals across the nation are making deviations more difficult. Doctors have the ability to override recommended treatment plans, but in order to do so, they must “choose and justify.”
Long gone are the days when physicians could ignore cost.
At OMCA, patient care and best outcomes are Job One. However, as the ultimate payer, you have the right to expect your advisors to know “cost matters.”
Call us.  We can do better when cost matters.

William Faris, JD
Chief Executive Officer

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