Your Surgeon Needs a “Time Out”



No, I’m not talking about the baby boomer discipline-of-choice for our “spoiled-rotten” kids and grandkids. I’m talking about simple techniques to avoid medical mistakes.

Erinn Connor, Everyday Health staff writer, explains in her latest article how last week was Patient Safety Awareness Week. This is an education and awareness campaign sponsored by the National Patient Safety Foundation. The bottom line from research published in the Journal of Patient Safety:

  • 440,000 annual deaths related to preventable medical errors;
  • 160,000 deaths related to diagnostic errors;
  • 1,000 wrong-site surgeries reported to The Joint Commission (1995-2010).

One of the safety net checklist items recommended is for surgical teams to take one last “time out” to reconfirm patient identification, diagnoses and surgical site.

At OMCA, our safety net involves aggressive UR, care coordination, peer-to-peer involvement, and communication with all stakeholders.

Controlling preventable errors is more than marking boxes on a checklist.

Take “time out” to call us. We can do better.

William Faris, JD
Chief Executive Officer

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